Report Absence

Main: 0151 477 8740

Admissions: 0151 477 8753

Headteacher: Mr T. McGuinness


Free School Meals Information

Free School Meals Information

Guidance for Parents/Carers - free school meal daily from Monday 23 March

Support for Pupils who have to stay off:

The school meals service (Knowsley Council) have made provision to cater for all Children to receive a free school meal from Monday 23 March 2020. Packed lunches will be available for distribution between the hours of 12 and 2 from the following children’s centres:

  • The Star Children’s Centre St Andrew’s View Tower Hill.
  • The Eden Children’s Centre Westvale Primary School.
  • The Pride Children’s Centre Simonswood Lane.

Please note the school is not a distribution centre.

Coronavirus Update - Headteachers Letter

Coronavirus Update - Headteachers Letter

Dear Parent(s)/Carer(s)

Re: Coronavirus update - school closure

Following on from my last update, I’m now writing to let you know that we have been instructed to close the school after this Friday until further notice.

As advised by the government, we will do all we can to stay open for the children of key workers (e.g. NHS staff, police, social workers/supermarket worker/delivery drivers,teachers,and postal workers others in frontline services) and children with certain needs. We are waiting for government to publish more information on what this means, but it would help us in the meantime if you would let us know if you think your child may fall into one of these categories – please refer to communication sent out by Mrs M O’Neill Assistant Headteacher.

All other children will need to stay at home, so we ask that you do not send your child into school from Monday onwards.

Please note that this is a national closure – as you may have heard in the news – so while it is a challenging situation, we are not alone. We’ll re-open fully as soon as we can and will let you know when this is by the text/school website/school official social media

What we’ll continue doing while your child is at home Your child’s learning is of course important to us, so we’ll continue to help your child to learn.

If your child usually receives free school meals we will also be in touch with more information about how we will provide this, with support from a scheme that the government will announce.

If you want to get in touch to share your concerns, please don’t hesitate to do this via school email address

And remember: if you or your child feels ill and you want to know what to do next, please use NHS 111online.

Thank you again for your continued support, and we will be in touch with more information when we can.

Yours sincerely

Mr T McGuinness Headteacher

Student Work Packs

Student Work Packs

All Saints is currently still open. We will be providing packs of work for all students in years 7 to 10. These will be sent home with students who are onsite today and available for collection today and Friday from 9.30am to 1.00pm at the library door for the parents/carers of students not onsite today.

Year 11 and sixth form students already have access to all materials online and have been provided with a laptop where necessary.

Unfortunately we are not allowed to visit any families who are self isolating - please make arrangements for someone to collect the packs on your behalf. Alternatively a version of the packs will be available on the website from next week.

Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update

Dear Parents/Carers,

As you will be aware the Government has announced this evening that schools will close at the end of the day on Friday 20th March. This applies to all students except those whose parents are ‘keyworkers’ e.g. NHS, police or delivery workers who need to go to work and vulnerable children.

As an immediate priority it is necessary for us to gauge information about the employment of our parents/carers in order for us to identify keyworker families so we can make contact regarding educational provision.

If you feel you meet the criteria of a keyworker, I would be grateful if you could complete a short survey providing the following information. Name and year group of your child/ren who attend our school The job title and current employer of each parent/carer in the household Preferred contact number.

I would be grateful if you could respond before 4pm today. Once it has been received, we will make contact with all families who fall into the keyworker category.

The link to this survey can be found here:

If you are unable to complete the survey online, please call into the school office to complete a hard copy by 4pm today. Further information regarding school closure will be updated tomorrow.

If you need to contact school direct please email

Yours sincerely

Mrs M O’Neill

Coronavirus Update

Coronavirus Update

In light of the recent outbreak of coronavirus COVID-19 we want to assure you that we take the health and safety of our students and staff very seriously. We cannot give advice to parents other than that which is produced by the government through Public Health England:

Please continue to use this as your source of reliable information. We will continue to use both our website and social media accounts to support passing on the messages from central government and any other important updates.