What is the Role For a Governing Body?
The DfE states that the key purpose of a Governing Body is to help schools provide the best possible educations for pupils. Governing Bodies do this by:
- Ensuring that the school is accountable to the children and parents it serves, to its local community, to those who fund and maintain it, as well as to the staff it employs.
- Working with the Principal and staff to set strategic aims for the school, based on its mission and strategies.
- Monitoring and evaluating performance, acting as a critical friend to the Principal and Leadership Team to support and challenge them in running the school.
Register of Business Interests of members of the Governing Body 2020/2021
Governing Body Attendance 2020 - 2021
Governing Body Attendance 2021 - 2022
List of Current Governors
- Mr John Thornhill - full governors and progress and standards board and finance
- Mr John Murphy - student experience committee
Mr John Thornhill
Foundation - Chair
Term of Office:
09/2015 - Present Day
Mr Tony McGuinness
Term of Office:
01/04/2015 - N/A
Mr Craig Billington
Staff Governor
Term of Office:
09/2019 - Present Day
Mr Daniel O'Neill
Term of Office:
09/2020 - Present Day
Mrs D McEvoy-McBrias
Parent Govenor
Term of Office:
09/2019 - Present Day
Cllr Eddie Connor
LA Governor
Term of Office:
09/2015 - Present Day
Mr John Murphy
Foundation - Vice Chair
Term of Office:
09/2019 - Present Day
Mrs Angie Emery
Term of Office:
09/2019 - Present Day
Mrs Andrea Roberts
Parent Governor
Term of Office: 09/2019 - Present Day
Mr John Ashcroft
Term of Office:
09/2020 - Present Day
Mr Stephen Forrester
Term of Office:
09/2020 - Present Day
Mrs Moira Frances Griffiths-Parr
Clerk to the Governors
Term of Office: