Important Announcement
Posted - 11 February 2016
We are currently in the process of updating the telephone service and school answer machines. If you need to leave a message, then please give this to the Receptionist (by choosing option 1) who will ensure that it is given to the chosen staff member.
Alternatively, messages will be collected from the school email address ( daily and passed on promptly.
Change in Length of Registration, Break and Lunch
Posted - 13 January 2016
From Monday 18th January 2016 we are planning to makes some changes to the structure of the school day. The start and end times of the day, as well as the length of lessons will remain unchanged but the duration of registration, break and lunch times will be adjusted, as outlined below:
- 8.50 - 9.05 am Registration
- 9.05 - 10.05 am Lesson 1
- 10.05 - 11.05 am Lesson 2
- 11.05 - 11.20 am Break
- 11.20 - 12.20 pm Lesson 3
- 12.20 - 1.20 pm Lesson 4
- 1.20 - 2.00 pm Lunch
- 2.00 - 3.00 pm Lesson 5
Registration, 8.50 - 9.05am, will be extended by 5 minutes to allow more time with Form Tutors at the start of the day. Break, 11.05 - 11.20am, will be reduced to 15 minutes, during which a breakfast menu will be offered to students. Afternoon lunch, 1.20 - 2.00pm, will be extended to 40 minutes, during which Meal of the Day and other nutritionally balanced options will be offered. We will be encouraging students to sit and eat together in a social setting and providing additional serving spaces around the school to reduce congestion in the canteen. Students will also have the option to pre-order sandwiches in the morning which can be picked up at the start of lunch, speeding up access to food.
Breakfast is widely regarded as the most important meal of the day so if students are occasionally unable to get breakfast at home then the canteen is open each morning to provide hot and cold options.
Many students will continue to bring in packed lunches and we hope that these will continue to include healthy and nutritional foods within them. Your support with this is very much appreciated.
As a school, we believe these changes will contribute to improved teaching and learning, with students being more focused and energised.
Mr T McGuinness
Ofsted Monitoring Visit
Posted - 08 December 2015
On Wednesday 09th and Thursday 10th December, there will be an Ofsted Monitoring Visit.
Section 48 Inspection Notification
Posted - 27 November 2015
A Section 48 Inspection of the school’s religious education and collective worship, will be carried out by Liverpool Archdiocese on Tuesday 1st December 2015.
School Bus Service
Posted - 17 November 2015
We have been running our school bus service successfully for over a year now, covering all areas of Kirkby. However, a review of the service has brought forward some recommendations that will enable us to reduce the costs and improve the service provided to our students.
The recommendations include: [list type=”check”] <ul> <li>Using a single bus to complete an alternative route</li> <li>For students who are eligible for Free School Meals, who live an unreasonable distance from the bus route, to be considered for individual transport plans i.e. bus pass.</li> </ul> [/list]
The new bus route is outlined on the map below and will take effect on Monday 16th November 2015. The route will be reviewed in January 2016.
Please send any comments that you would like to be considered, by email to with the subject title, Bus Service. Alternatively, you can call Mr S Evans (Operations Manager) on 0151 477 8752 to discuss.
<strong>Please note:</strong> Students collected from Shevington Lane in the morning, will be dropped off on Hall Lane (bus stop by McDonalds) before the bus proceeds to Kirkby Station. It was originally planned to collect from Hall Lane at 3.40 - the bus will now return to school to collect the students going to Towerhill.
<img class=”size-full wp-image-2604 aligncenter” src=”” alt=”school_bus_map” width=”593” height=”793” />