Welcome to
All Saints Sixth Form
All Saints Sixth Form has produced outstanding vocational results over a number of years. Our curriculum offer provides clear further progression routes into further education, employment or training for all students, enhanced by extensive links with business and industry partners which have been developed over many years.
Our Sixth Form is a small, niche, specialist provision that focuses on four main vocational Level 3 subject pathways which are on offer from September 2025. Students can choose to study only one of our pathways. These are:
Alongside these you will benefit from outstanding pastoral care, an engaging enrichment programme and a wealth of enhancing experiences that help prepare you for Higher Education, Apprenticeships and employment. With small class sizes, excellent resources and specialist vocational teachers, you can expect to receive a high quality education that can lead you to the next steps in your educational and career journey.
Entry requirements for all of our subject pathways are 5 or more GCSEs at grade 4 or above and preferably including Maths and English Language. (Students must have at least Maths or English Language GCSE grade 4. There will be an opportunity to resit one of these). Also, students choosing the Creative Arts pathway must have studied the related subjects at GCSE and achieved grade 5 or above.
We also offer an opportunity to resit Maths or English GCSE if necessary, alongside your subject pathway (dependent upon consideration of all GCSE grades attained).
Main Vocational Pathways
All Students will choose one vocational pathway from the following:
Business Pathway:
Creative Pathway:
Health & Social Care Pathway:
Sports Pathway:
Compulsory Additional Study
All Students must attend the following additional classes:
Our enrichment curriculum offers bespoke programmes and a comprehensive approach to personal development. Key features include weekly sessions, "Drop Down Days" for focused learning, and access to specialised staffing and resourcing. The programmes are designed to add value and promote personal growth.
Cultural Capital:
All Sixth Form students are given a brand new Chromebook to use in school and at home, which then belongs to the student on successful completion of their course.
Financial support is available for students for a variety of purposes including uniform, travel, additional training and qualifications, equipment, trips and residential trips. Students can apply for the Government's 16-19 Bursary and students who are eligible can receive free school meals and school. The school also operates a hardship fund to support students and families with household essentials.
High quality careers education and guidance is one of the school’s strengths and students in Sixth Form benefits from the expertise of a full time careers advisor alongside the support of the highly skilled Sixth Form Tutor team. Students are provided with subject specific career related experiences including industry visits and speakers, workshops, and specialist additional training and qualifications.
Through our well established network of school business partners we also offer a minimum of 2 weeks work experience, some of which can lead to full time employment and apprenticeships when students finish their studies. Students are also given 1:1 guidance and support with UCAS applications and opportunities to visit Universities across the country.
All Saints Catholic High School prides itself on the high standards of uniform and personal presentation of students in the Sixth Form. Students wear the Sixth Form uniform described below, unless they are part of the LLS Sports pathway for which specialist kit is required. Our aim is to prepare students for the professional world of work. Financial support for uniform is available through our bursary system.
The SIxth Form uniform is: white shirt, school tie, black trousers/black skirt, black school jumper and black polishable shoes.
Students in Sixth Form receive outstanding pastoral care from a dedicated Tutor Team who are on hand to support with student’s wellbeing and personal development, as well as providing academic support and guidance. Students are also able to access support from the school’s mentoring team, the school nurse and mental health professionals.