Catholic Life

The Catholic life of All Saints Catholic High School is oriented towards developing all that is good, true and beautiful in each member of our community.

Our Mission is to support parents as the primary educators of the faith and to build upon the work that is carried out by our local clergy in our family of parishes. Providing a holistic education and solid formation which allows all members of our community to grow in faith and love of Christ.

Our most recent Section 48 Inspection recognised our outstanding work in Catholic Life:

“Students are proud of their school and able to articulate the concept of the All Saints Family and how their faith joins them together. Students very clearly express how they are loved and cared for, and the concept of family resonates; one student said, “We are like a home, a big, massive family, a safe haven.”

"The school's mission is to develop the sense of the true, the sense of the good, the sense of the beautiful."
Pope Francis  - 10th May 2014
Prayer and Liturgy
Peer Chaplains
Bosco Club

