Catholic Life
The Catholic life of All Saints Catholic High School is oriented towards developing all that is good, true and beautiful in each member of our community.
Our Mission is to support parents as the primary educators of the faith and to build upon the work that is carried out by our local clergy in our family of parishes. Providing a holistic education and solid formation which allows all members of our community to grow in faith and love of Christ.
Our most recent Section 48 Inspection recognised our outstanding work in Catholic Life:
“Students are proud of their school and able to articulate the concept of the All Saints Family and how their faith joins them together. Students very clearly express how they are loved and cared for, and the concept of family resonates; one student said, “We are like a home, a big, massive family, a safe haven.”
"The school's mission is to develop the sense of the true, the sense of the good, the sense of the beautiful."
Prayer and liturgy at All Saints is planned and delivered with the express belief that it is through prayer and the celebration of liturgy all members of the community will come to love the Lord more dearly.
In Desiderio Desideravi Pope Francis calls the Catholic community to:
“Rekindle our wonder for the beauty of the truth of the Christian celebration, to remind us of the necessity of an authentic liturgical formation, and to recognize the importance of an art of celebrating that is at the service of the truth of the Paschal Mystery and of the participation of all of the baptized in it, each one according to his or her vocation.” (Desiderio Desideravi, 62)
To this end we, the All Saints Family, recognise the centrality and importance of prayer and liturgy as the currency by which we, as a Christian community live by. The Apostle Paul affirmed the significance of prayer and liturgy , and wrote in one of the epistles, “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). The Catechism of the Catholic Church states prayer and the Christian life are inseparable. (CCC 2744). It is the life of prayer that places us in relationship with God (CCC 2565).
Prayer and liturgy in all their expressions, are thus a means of communicating with and listening to the Divine in our lives. Prayer and liturgy are held in high esteem at All Saints Catholic High School and is central to our Mission as a Catholic School.
Prayer and liturgy are delivered through a combination of form time, assemblies, para-liturgies and sacramental celebrations. Each act of prayer and liturgy follows the the process below:
We are invited to bow our heads in a moment of reverence where we are still and allow God to speak.
We make the sign of the Cross together.
Each member of the school will have the opportunity to lead prayer and proclaim scripture.
Your Teacher will say: “Our Lady Queen of All Saints."
We will respond by saying: “Pray for Us.”
Go Forth:
Your Teacher will say: “Go forth in love and justice."
We will respond by saying: “Thanks be to God.”
‘Liturgy is the work of the whole Christ, head and body’ (CCC 1187)
The Liturgical Year is followed by All Saints RC High School; offering a wide range of liturgical experiences from whole School liturgical celebrations for:
- Remembrance Day
- Advent
- Christmas
- Feast of St John Bosco
- Lent Easter - Peters Passion
- Year 11 & 13 Leavers Liturgy
To year group celebrations such as:
- Year 7 Mass of Welcome
- Year 8 Sacrament of Confirmation
- Services of Reconciliation
‘The Liturgy of the Word is an integral part of the celebration. The meaning of the celebration is expressed by the Word of God which is proclaimed and by the response of faith to it.’ (CCC 1190).
Liturgies of the Word are celebrated by Rev Dcn Bennett on the third Friday of each month.
Lectio Davina is offered by Rev Dcn Bennett during Advent and Lent.
‘The Eucharist is "the source and summit of the Christian life.’ (CCC 1324)
The Holy Eucharist is celebrated at key times in the schools life and the Liturgical Year such as:
- Year 8 Sacrament of September: Year 7 Mass of Welcome
- December: Each Friday of Advent
- February: Each Friday of Lent
- June: The Sacrament of Confirmation
All Saints view the continued spiritual formation of staff as a key priority in developing the Catholic Life of the school. Our CSD programme is part of our staff development programme. Following a two-year cycle, our programme ensures that all staff members can grow spiritually as members of the All Saints Family.
Our Chapel is located at the physical centre of the school and is open daily from 7:00am - 6:00pm. Our Chapel offers a safe and nurturing environment for all members of our community to touch their spiritual base.
The Chaplaincy Team, lead by Rev Dcn Bennett consists of:
- Mr T McGuinness - Head Teacher
- Mr D Hayes - Head of RE
- Miss Paige Grogan - Teacher of RE
- Ms J McGee - Teacher of RE
- Mr C Ashton-Hunt - Head of Music
- Mr D Goulding - Teacher of Music
“The chaplain has a deep understanding and knowledge of Catholic tradition in prayer and of the needs of the community of All Saints. He is passionate in embedding this into the prayer life of the school community” - Section 48 May 2023
Together this team animate the chaplaincy programme. The core programme consists of:
- Prayer
- Retreat
- Liturgy
- Eucharist
- Alms
- Pilgrimage
- Extra-curricular trips
Each class in KS3 has a number of chapel sessions each year led by Rev Dcn Bennett. Here the students consider issues such as:
- Belonging
- Advent
- Covenant
- Lent
- Reconciliation
- Easter
- Sacraments & Sacramental Preparation
- The Sanctity of Life
- Justice & Mercy
- Environmental Awareness and caring for our common home
Each class at KS4 has two sessions considering:
- Vocation and the Sacrament of Holy Orders
- Healing and the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick
Services of Reconciliation are offered at various stages of the Liturgical Year.
The Chaplaincy Team leads two trips a year to each year group to:
- Ultimate Indoor Paintball
- Nerf World
- Kartworld Go Karting
- Super Bowl
- Cinema
The Chapel serves the staff of the school by offering Tuesday morning Prayer & Friday morning Meditation.
Our Peer Chaplaincy programme offers our students the opportunity to develop leadership skills and engage in student leadership.
We currently have 9 Peer Chaplains.
Students can apply to become Peer Chaplins in the summer term of Year 7.
This core group have responsibility for planning and delivering whole school liturgies. Assisting at Form Time liturgies and in the Bosco Club with our Junior Youth leaders.
The vocation of Peer Chaplain is formed through a programme of on-going formation which includes a formation day at Ince Benet and a residential retreat to Dolly Hall.
Peer Chaplains are visible around the school wearing a Peer Chaplaincy lanyard.
Central to the Catholic Life and Mission of the school is our commitment to retreat. One day retreats take place in Year 7 & 8.
Year 7 have a full day of retreat in the Autumn term reflecting in their place in the All Saints family. The key theme explored is:
- Term 1: Belonging
Year 8 have a half-day retreat in the Autumn term, where they consider their maturity and the responsibilities that come with transitioning from Year 7 to 8. The key theme explored is:
- Term 1: Covenant
Year 9 also a half-day retreat in the Spring term. This is strategically placed around the time that students are considering their options for KS4. The retreat is called ‘Trust the Road’ and encourages the students to think about the choices they must make as they grown in to young adulthood. The key theme explored is:
- Term 2: Trust
In addition each year group is offered a voluntary residential retreat. Here students in KS3 & 4 spend the weekend in Dolly Hall mid-Wales ( A full spiritual programme takes place:
- Morning Prayer
- Night Prayer
- Service of Reconciliation
- Eucharist
- Students attend Mass at St Mair (
Students in KS5 are offered a residential retreat in Years 12 & 13 where they stay in the Salesian Centre Savio House ( Attending Mass at St Gregory’s (
All retreats offer the students time to play, relax and form new friendships. In addition to the full spiritual programme students have lost of fun:
- Visiting Barmouth Beach and Fun Fair
- Trekking the Dovey Valley Forest Trail
- Eating out!
- Making Dens in the woods
- BBQ & Bonfire
- A disco
Pilgrimages evoke our earthly journey toward heaven and are traditionally very special occasions for renewal in prayer. For pilgrims seeking living water, shrines are special places for living the forms of Christian prayer "in Church.’ (CCC 2691)
All Saints RC High has a long tradition of undertaking pilgrimage to Lourdes. The first annual pilgrimage to Lourdes took place during Easter 1991. Since that first pilgrimage the pilgrimage programme has evolved and now takes place during the week of the Liverpool Archdiocese Pilgrimage in July.
Our annual pilgrimage to Lourdes is very popular attracting over seventy-five applications for forty places. Whilst on pilgrimage our students enjoy a holy-holiday with Our Lady and St Bernadette. In addition to a full pilgrimage programme including Mass, Stations of the Cross, the Sacrament of Reconciliation and private prayer. Our students enjoy visits to:
- Spain - St Sebastian’s Mountain Fun Fair
- The beach at St Jean De Luz Atlantic resort
- The Pyrenean mountain village of Bartes
- The Pic De Jur mountain with it's breathtaking views of Lourdes
The Bosco Club is our school youth club. As a school in the Salesian tradition we embrace the wisdom of St John Bosco who said:
“It is not enough to love young people! They must know that they are loved.”
The Bosco Club is staffed by:
- Rev Dcn Bennett
- Ms Stoddart
- Ms Lockwood
- Mr Collins
The above are ably supported by a group of Junior Youth Leaders from Year 8.
The Bosco Club opens:
- Monday 4:00pm - 6:00pm
- Tuesday 4:00pm - 6:00pm
The Bosco Club provides a safe space for young people to make new friends, socialise and relax. Facilities include:
- PS4
- XBox
- Pool
- Table Tennis
- Table Football
- Air Hockey
- Dance Mats
- A range of board games
The Bosco Club also offers regular trips such as Bowling, Paintballing, Nerf, Cinema. The highlight of the year being our Christmas Movie Night with McDonalds and KFC!
The Bosco Club is free of charge to all students.