Mission Statement

All Saints is a Catholic voluntary aided high school, which serves the Catholic community of Kirkby.
We will provide a Christian education for all pupils based on the teachings of Jesus and the sprit of the Gospel. The whole life of the school will be determined by the Gospel values of love and justice.
We will always value and care for all members of the All Saints community according to their needs and will affirm and nurture the development of all.
- To encourage the pupils to develop a love of God and of Jesus Christ his son; to gain knowledge of the teachings of Jesus and of the beliefs and practices of the Roman Catholic Church; to teach pupils by word and example what is involved in a Christian way of life.
- To develop the school as a caring community, whose members have respect for themselves and others and an awareness of the needs of others both in the school and in the wider communities of parish, town of Kirkby and the society of which we are all part.
- To develop the pupils’ critical powers and to encourage a positive contribution towards society, infused by Christian values and standards, in particular recognising the dignity of each individual as a human being.
- To provide each pupil with a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of pupils.
- To provide pupils with the skills, qualifications and experience which will enable them to take their place in society.
- To encourage in pupils a desire and willingness to acquire knowledge, skills and experience.
- To encourage the pupils to appreciate the virtues of co-operation and consideration, and to develop a sense of responsibility and self-discipline.
We believe this can only truly be realised in partnership with parents, the parishes and the wider community.
"My ambition for the school is for every student to fulfil his or her potential in a caring ethos and to ensure the school continues to be an outstanding provider of education for the community we serve."
Tony McGuinness - Headteacher, All Saints Catholic High School