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EES Celebration and Assessment Day

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EES Celebration and Assessment Day

For our Engineering Education Scheme (EES) we were fortunate enough to team up with engineers from Jaguar Land Rover in order to make a new and improved infotainment test-rig which hopefully the company can adopt for use in the future. We have put many hours and a lot of hard work into this project over the last six months, all in preparation for the display stand and presentation day at the end of it all, which was then followed by a graduation ceremony where we are each awarded for our hard work and dedication. This was also a time where we could look at other teams projects and talk with new people from schools and colleges throughout the UK.


Our team were very excited to represent All Saints Catholic High School and Jaguar Land Rover in these awards, and are delighted to say that we were awarded with a Gold Crest Award, as well as being handed a further award for our project called the Industrial Cadets Award. In addition to this, we were all overjoyed with the positive feedback that we got and were informed after the presentation that our team were outstanding in all areas.


This has been an excellent opportunity and a fun and rewarding experience, and would like to send our thanks to the engineers at JLR that worked along side us and offered their commitment and support. We would also like to personally thank Miss Porter, Mr Gilmore and the DT department for their support throughout the project and for giving us this opportunity. We would recommend that anyone interested in doing the EES project next year should take this opportunity - not only those who are interested in engineering, but also anyone that is enthusiastic to learn new skills and meet new people.


Rachel Curran, Ethan Navis, Aimee Flanagan, Georgia Cassidy.
